Tuesday 14 December 2010

INSANE - Prop List

Above are the props used to create our media film trailer - INSANE.

Gun - This was used as the main weapon for the killer, we believe that this toy gun was suitable for our trailer as it looked realistic, this gun was used in many different scenes.

Car - This was used for the final scene of the trailer, we decided to use a car as it was a suitable get away for the escapee, all roads were checked for on coming traffic before hand.

Newspaper - We decided to use the newspaper to give the scene of the escapee at home some realistic relaxation time.

House Phone - We used this in similar scenes to the newspaper this was also used to show normality.

Knife - The knife was used to create extra anxiety in the trailer and leave the viewers with extra suspense, we made sure the knife was secure with the actor for safety reasons. This type of knife was used as it is a typical style used in most drama's and horror films.

Thursday 9 December 2010

INSANE - Original Storyboard

This is a copy of our group storyboard that we designed and drew out before we started filming. This was required as it gave us a detailed plan of what scenes we needed to shoot in a certain day and in what order. If we use this storyboard through out then our media trailer will be easier to produce and look more professional. We have edited some scenes differently in the trailer than portrayed on the storyboard above.

Monday 6 December 2010

INSANE - Actors


Anthony Gibbons - Mass murderer


David Norbury - Escapee

Anthony Gibbons plays the role of the mass murderer who commits the massacre, David Norbury is the final death on the massacre list, but he manages to escape.

Music For Trailer - INSANE

For our media trailer we have decided to use the 'instrumental' soundtrack to Evanescence's 'Bring me too life'. We decided to use this track as it is dark and fast paced, this brings suspense to the trailer. The 'instrumental' track was used instead of the original as without the wording it gives extra intensity and makes the trailer look more realistic and professional. The track is perfect also as it fits in with our genre of psychological horror/drama, there are certain points in the track were the music level drops, this was perfect for our trailer as there were parts of dialogue that could fit around the music.