Monday 8 November 2010

'Texas Chain Saw Massacre' Poster Analysis

This is the first 'Texas Chain Saw Massacre' poster that I will implement. The poster is very basic, yet remains relevant to the horror genre and keeps in touch with the stereotypical side of horror films. The poster shows us a picture of the 'villain' in the film 'Leather face'. The picture makes it look like 'Leather Face' is watching the audience and coming after them with the chainsaw this can scare people (the main point of a horror film) but can also build intense anxiety. The picture has low lighting to add mystery to the plot, it also has a yellow fade on the picture, probably completed on Adobe Photoshop to give the poster a unique twist. The title of the film 'Texas Chain Saw Massacre' is shown in a lit up yellow/orange font, in my opinion this font doesn't do the poster justice has it has no real relevance as it looks like a clean text, I believe that the text should have been more rugged looking like it had been carved out with a chainsaw for example.

This is the second poster for 'Texas Chain Saw Massacre' as you can see immediately the font style, colour and size of the title is very similar to the first poster. This is to show intertextuality between the two posters. In this poster another picture of 'Leather Face' has been used but this time the lighting around the picture is much darker making everything seem more terrifying in the picture, a black line fade has been used on the picture as well to give the picture a darker tone and definition. Unlike the first poster this one has the names of actors, actresses, producers and directors as well as including the companies and institutions directly involved with the film. One strange comparison between both posters is that there is no date release on either posters, this is quite strange for the advertising and marketing side to do, in my opinion there should be a release date on at least one and therefore I will make it part of my criteria to add a release date to my film poster.

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