Tuesday 7 September 2010

Analysis of the 'Inception' marketing campaign

Above are three movie posters for the newly released block-buster 'Inception'.  All three posters show consistent similarities throughout, here are some examples; first of all there seems to be a blue fade over all three images to keep similarities in the posters, secondly in all three posters bizarre/surreal scenery to show that the architecture is a main focus in the film.  On all three posters Leonardo DiCaprio is displayed as the main focus as he is obviously an influential character and world renowned actor, all other characters in the posters are shown in similar fashion as they are all dressed relatively smart and most men are wearing suits and some of the men have guns.  On all three pictures we can see that the actual title 'INCEPTION' is kept in the same colour scheme of red, but three different styles of text are being used. Finally at the top next to Leonardo DiCaprio's there is a quote that says  "your mind is the scene of the crime". This leaves us with a little suspense for the actual film.


Next I have shown some intertextuality between the two pictures above which are a poster for the up-coming blockbuster 'INCEPTION' & 'The Dark Knight' the sequel to 'Batman Begins', produced in 2008. Both posters and films were produced by Warner Bros. Both posters have numerous similarities and this may be down to the Auteur theory as both films have the same producer in Christopher Nolan, therefore meaning that both will be advertised, produced and sold in a similar way/fashion. We can see from the posters that both Heath Ledger playing 'The Joker' and Leonardo DiCaprio playing 'Dom Cobb' have their backs facing the audience, revealing little and that they are also both over-powered by the vast amount of architecture shown in both posters this is similar to all of the 'INCEPTION' posters produced.

Finally I have chosen to show two magazine covers with the main article and theme being 'INCEPTION', the two film magazines are 'Total Film' and 'Empire'. Similar to the three posters I have chosen both front covers show Leonardo DiCaprio as the main figure which clearly represents him as the main character. Also both magazine covers use the theme of architecture, 'Empire' has used it in the background of the page, where as 'Total Film' uses architecture to make the title of the magazine. In my judgement the 'Total Film' magazine production is better in the way that the architecture has been incorporated in the title, but the 'Empire' magazine has a much better high quality standard of Leondardo DiCaprio.


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