Monday 18 October 2010

Analysis of 'Inception' Trailers

Above is the first trailer of 'INCEPTION' as you can see this trailer is shorter than the second trailer below, the first trailer is similar to a 'teaser' trailer. These are prodominately short, quick cutting trailers that build suspense for the film, there is also little if any dialogue in teaser trailers, but they always have a consistent backing track.

Above is the second 'INCEPTION' trailer I have used, this trailer is not so much a teaser as my first video and gives a more detailed insight into the film. The trailer predominantly uses close to extreme close-ups and uses a lot of quick cuts this is to show various points of the film quickly and to gain suspense and get the audience questioning. Although no characters names are mentioned we can see that Leonardo DiCaprio is used on numerous occasions this is to give the belief to the audience that he is most likely the main character and that Warner Bros. have a world renowned actor in their film.

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